Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crazy week, pic of Shannon at show finals, dinner

This has been a crazy week and its only Wed. On Monday my daughter had to be taken to school because she was so exhausted from the weekend's show finals, so my husband took her to school about 10am and I got sick around 2pm thought I was going to have a seizure, so he had to come home with only a half day in at work. He thought he would be nice to me and fix dinner (and it was nice). However, Bless his heart. It was neither made or cooked properly! He had only taken out 1 pound of groud beef, instead of 1 1/2 the recipe called for and still used the amount of spices and liquid the recipe did call for, so the meatloaf didn't set right. He also made boxed AuGratin potatoes and put in in a loaf pan instead a casserole dish. The potatoes weren't done either. He did try though.

He just called to tell me at 3pm that he had to go to Headquarter. Didn't tell me why and I don't ask. He will never get home tonight!! Traffic around the DC area is a bi*** during rush hour, as I'm sure you can imagine. Crazy people to say the least!!!

My son, Tristan, has been home sick with a headcold thing for 2 days now. He will be going to school tomorrow, if I have to take him. LOL.

I have added a picture of my daughter, Shannon, from her horse show finals this past weekend/

Have a good evening.



Growth in God said...

You did a great job at posting your first picture. Wasn't that easy? You will have so much fun blogging! It is a really nice picture too. Might be a great one to put in a cute frame and wrap for under the tree. I did that for birthdays this year. Took a few photos and added them to a collage frame, the boys loved them more than Mekenzei did! Anyway, hope you have lots of fun with your Blog page. Oh and you can add photos to just the page itself too, by "add a gadget"- in your layout area

S'more of my Thoughts said...

Hey, Rick's night in the kitchen sounds like almost all of mine. That's why I don't even try anymore. Too frustrating.

Great picture of Shannon!

I hope everyone is feeling better soon!!