Saturday, January 31, 2009

toe, quilting, sewing room, dogs, snow, my dad

Well, I did it again, broke another toe. Tuesday (or was it Monday) evening, I had gone into the family room to get Rick and Tristan to sign my mom's birthday card. As I was coming out I had to go through the study/office 'area' and our treadmill is in there, but it is put up so the wheels stick out. While attempting to go around the desk, and the dog, I tripped over one of the wheels and broke (I think?) the middle toe on my right foot. So, I need to learn how to use my sewing machine pedal with my left foot, so I can start sewing again. This is sure a time when I wish I could hand sew much better than I am able to now.
I really NEED to sew/quilt. I think it helps me mentally especially when it snows and the kids are home. It snowed on Monday night and the kids where home on Tuesday. Overnight Tuesday it sleeted, so it iced over what snow we had, so the kids were home on Wednesday as well and went in late on Thursday. Tomorrow (Sunday) the temps are suppose to be around 50F. Sometime late this coming Monday or Tuesday morning we are suppose to get hammered with another winter mess. "They" still aren't sure it its going to be snow, sleet, freezing rain (what's the difference between that and sleet??) of a combination of the 3. Great kids home again. This time they will be working and not on the computer the entire(most) day.
We are rearranging rooms on the main level. What was originally a dining room we made into our living room cuz it was/is bigger. Now we are moving it around to be a dining room again. The room where out dining room table, china cabinet, etc is going to be an office (for Rick) and I will get 1/2 for my sewing stuff. What I should do is get rid of my some of my scrapbook stuff and use that room for my sewing/quilt room. It's just upstairs and with my track record on stairs (not a good combination!!) Maybe I could sell the stuff on ebay???? Obviously I would keep my photos, memorabilia and scrapbooks I have already completed!
When everyone is home the dogs just don't sleep, they pace back in forth from room to room, it really gets annoying after a few hours!!
My dad has diabeties as does my sister and brother (I am in the middle: sister, me, brother). I am so thankful I don't have the disease. Anyway, he has had problems with one of his toes and has had problems for a while now, he went to the 'foot' doctor yesterday, and if it doesn't heal soon, it going to have to be removed. Could you all pray for him and my mom please. I believe in prayer 100% and God said where there are 2 or more gathered in prayer in His name He will answer our prayer or something like that, I sure would like to find the exact verse.
That's all for now. Have a blessed day:)
Love & Hugs,


Growth in God said...

The verse which I know you would find easily is Matthew 18:20
"For where there are two or three gathered in my name, there I will be with you."
Here are some others that you may lean to also- you are all in my prayers for healing and strength.

Matthew 21:22
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

Mark 11:24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

sandtsmom said...

Thanks Jenn.
I knew that verse was in Matthew somewhere, I just couldn't remember at the top of my head.