Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cousin Bubby, Christmas tree and cards,prayers

I found out yesterday morning that my cousin, Estel aka Bubby, died. He was found dead. Not too much info really. We don't know if it was from drugs, alcohol, heart attack or a combo of all 3. I'm sure his mom and sibling could use prayers right now as they are awaiting the results of the Autopsy

We were not close. Maybe companions, when we were younger, and we would visit my grandparents in WV during the summer. All of his siblings, except the youngest who became a Christan and went into the ministry, were into drugs having sex and becoming parents WAY too early. It's to bad he was younger than I am. I feel bad for his mom. His dad passed away in 1990 or 91. He wasn't a good influence on the kids anyway. All but 5 of us cousins (maybe more, don't know) didn't get into that stuff. But, then again, my mom left WV right after she graduate from school, so she was smart. I sure am thankful for my mom's influence.

I have a radio station on that plays Christmas song all day starting the w/e before Thanksgiving and all the way thru Christmas day. "I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas" just on.

We haven't put out Christmas tree up yet or sent out cards either. I just went to Hallmark yesterday to buy them, maybe by the weekend.

There is a family in our church who were in an accident Saturday night and the oldest daughter could really use prayer. She had to have minor back surgery today. Her family hopes she can come home by Christmas. She will be in a brace for sometime. For the life of me I can't remember her name, I think its Samantha.

Hugs and blessings.


Growth in God said...

sorry to hear about your cousin. I know close or not, it is still family. I still dont have our christmas stockings done yet, but do have the tree up. I bet it will be Christmas Eve before I get the stockings done. LOL

S'more of my Thoughts said...

I love the new look to the blog! You've been busy!

S'more of my Thoughts said...

You like blogging more, but your Facebook is WAY more active! (yeay)

I keep checking here for an update.

Happy New Year!!!!